that's a lot more people seeking health care. the jobs that will be lost will be primarily near the minimum wage or at the minimum wage, low-wage people, who businesses calculate they will not be able to afford to hire if they are required to cover their health care. >> i want to go through some of the website claims that you have. first up, the claim your health care will be rationed. that is false. also, the government committee will decide benefits and treatment, the verdict on that one is false. illegal immigrants they get free health care, that's false. also, the national i.d. health card issued to everyone, that is also false. in doing the research, in doing the fact to fiction on all of this, what has struck you as being one of the biggest sticking points? >> oh, my. well, this has just been -- such an avalanche of misinformation about this. it's understandable why. it's a very complicated area.