follows financial problems and a stunt man's 30-foot fall. stunt man's 30-foot fall. and martha stewart is in and martha stewart is in stitches today, but it's no stitches today, but it's no laughing matter. laughing matter. the diva had to get sewn up the diva had to get sewn up after she leaned over one of her after she leaned over one of her sleeping dogs and he woke up and sleeping dogs and he woke up and smashed her in the mouth. smashed her in the mouth. nine stitches. nine stitches. ouch. ouch. richard lui, the governors richard lui, the governors warned us this would be a tough warned us this would be a tough year for state budgets and they year for state budgets and they were not kidding. were not kidding. >> they were not kidding here. >> they were not kidding here. they're following some of that they're following some of that burden on to the taxpayers and burden on to the taxpayers and their paychecks, that's where their paychecks, that's where they'll feel it. they'll feel it. raising personal income tax by raising personal income tax by 67%. 67%. let me show you what that means. let me show you what that means. for a family of four making for a family of four making $60,000, that's about 1,000 more $60,000, that's about 1,000 more in taxes. in taxes. 140,000, little bit over 2,500 140,000, little bit over 2,500 and if you make $200,000 as a and if you make $200,000 as a family, almost 4,000 more. family, almost 4,000 more. now, business taxes are also now, business taxes are also being raised 45%. being raised 45%. neighboring states are licking neighboring states are licking their chops knowing that their chops knowing that businesses and employees, they businesses and employees, they just might hop state borders just might hop state borders because of that. because of that. indiana's governor saying it's