sarah palin didn't put an american flag lapel pin on gabrielle giffords' congressional district. she didn't just put a checkmark there. she put gun sites there. this is irresponsible. you know, sarah palin when she was -- released her video, she quoted my father talking about personal responsibility, don't blame society for, you know, individuals' crimes. well, i think it's time for sarah palin and people like her to take personal responsibility hearses. it's not that sarah palin's responsible for gabrielle giffords' shooting or the deaths of this 9-year-old girl or others, but there's a context here. a context of a violent society with a lot of murders every year, a fetishization of guns and gun use, and a cavalier attitude toward mental health, as well. >> lean forward with "hardball with chris matthews," weeknights at 5:00 and 7:00 eastern on msnbc, the place for politics. now here's your first look at how wall street will kick off the day. the dow opens at 11,755 after