problems that arise here. we can solve problems that arise in our country. we are not helpless before what the universe deals us or what some wise man with an inherited title thinks is best for us. we get to solve our own problems. that's what our government is supposed to be capable of. and one of the problems we have as a country is gun massacre, mass shootings. arizona was the first one of 2011. there were at least seven of them in the last five years. some of which we listed on last night's show and we did not even list all of them. no other country in the world has the problem that america has with gun massacres. columbine, virginia tech, jonesboro, northern illinois university, ft. hood, red lake, minnesota, brookfield, wisconsin, atlanta, killeen, texas, tucson. the common right now is that this is a problem that america is powerless to solve. that our government can't be used to solve this problem. we are helpless before this.