road. austerity, is it going to be like portugal and greece. how about clegg? how is he doing in britain? >> not so well. clegg is the foil for cameron in a way. in some ways having a coalition allows yos you to do things you may not do otherwise. >> why is he not doing well? >> the base of his party is more liberal, more democratic and doesn't like the spending cuts for public workers. >> by the way, the reason why the white house was so desperate to get this deal that extended bush tax cuts is in part because of what pat is talking about. that is, the states are starting to go belly up. this white house desperately needs the economy to grow, not just for the federal deficit, but all the state deficits. if the states start going under, they're going to be asking for bailouts. it could get very ugly very fast. >> that question, will the congress bail the states out? it certainly did in the stimulus bill. >> i don't think they will, pat.