commander knew about it. if the commander knew about it his boss knew about it why didn't he do something about it three, four years ago. i eye don't think it's a knee-jerk reaction by the navy headquarters. i think if he they had known about it they would have done something about it. >> do you think he'll be in charge when the uss enterprise goes to afghanistan? >> it's unlikely the goo wiguy charge of anything. i would be surprised if he didn't retire, to be honest with you. >> jack, thank you, as always. mik, thanks to you. stark reminder over the weekend of the danger police officers face every time they answer a call. it happened when a tense gun battle broke out police police and an armed suspect at an ohio trailer park. in the end a decorated officer and mother of two paid the ultimate price in the line of duty. nbc's john yang has the latest development on this tragic store yao. >> reporter: deputy suzanne hopper's family is beginning the