look, it's been happening for 30 years. but it was so stark this year. and yet hardly anyone noticed. by the end of the year, the media was treating -- cutting unemployment as perfectly normal. that's the republican position. and the media must always remain neutral. so outside of a few shows like this, in the next year you can expect the establishment media to do what they always do, suck up to power. so they will igno the polls, the clear wishes of the american people, and they will help both sides demagogue about the deficit and tell you the only way to control it is to cut your benefits that you paid into for your whole life. and all of it is built upon another gigantic lie. social security isn't broke, it isn't anyway near broke. it has a $2.5 trillion surplus. now if you ask the politician, hey, is that true? they'll concede it, and say yeah, yeah, yeah that's true,