mondale stood up, looked into the camera and said, president reagan won't tell you he'll race your taxes. i just did. he might as well have said "i'll see you later." >> "saturday night live" had a skit later where he said "what was i thinking?" >> talk about tax reform, going back to history, 1986, how long, how hard it was when congress and the presidency, they were working together more often than not. for bill bradley and the republicans to come together and put together tax reform then was very, very hard. it so unlikely it will actually work. one other thing that is going to be a real game changer this year. you opened the segment with ben bernanke talking about what needs to be done. ron paul, now in charges of monetary policy. >> that's what i was going to ask you. >> a man who believes the fed shouldn't exist is going to be in charge of monetary policy.