deeply and institutionally corrupt. designed for payoffs on every bill. the problem isn't individual politicians, though they really don't help much, the problem is the system itself. our representatives don't represent us. they represent the people who pay them, the lobbyists. joining me now to talk more about this is david soroda a radio show host, nationally syndicated columnist and author of "the uprising" which sounds pretty good to me now. david, is our system broken? >> it's absolutely broken, and it goes to the very question that you've raised, which is who do these politicians work for? and really who's paying for them to go to work? and now they get paid a taxpayer salary, but their re-election is oftentimes based on how much money they can raise. and the vast majority of the money that they raise comes from extremely wealthy people from lobbyists, from special interests with issues before congress. so we have a system of legalized bribery in this -- in this