question from the speech one, right? so in the draft, am i right that the draft is that you can't squash speech, you can't stop lawful content, but there might be some tiered pricing? >> yeah. definitely, you can't block content, from what i hear. but the effect of this decision will be similar to the affect of, say, citizens united. right? when you have citizens united, as i said, corporations can spend as much money as they want, eliminating politicians they don't agree with. and once you have two tiers on the internet, where there's one, you know, slow dirt road internet for everyone else, and this fast super highway of privileged content for the very powerful and wealthy, then people will have to spend, you know, campaigns will have to spend a lot of money to reach audiences in an effective way. so people -- so even if you have, you know, tiered pricing, you end up privileging the powerful, those with more money, versus the upstarts and the tron guy on youtube.