migrant workers and freedom of speech and against wars everywhere. not just in our country. he was an equal opportunity protester. and he said, why are they trying to condemn this guy? why are they trying to hypocritically attack him for just speaking his mind? he said he stays in the country. and that was the day before his 35th birthday in the united states. >> last word from you, nigel. >> well, i think our cycles might be different, but the basic truths remain. the '60s was a time of great optimism. i agree with what was said about this being sort of a liberating period. the '7 0s was different in the , economics and socially different. it felt different. the music was different by the time you got to the mid-'7 0s. >> it was very baroque. i'm a '60s guy. thank you, nigel and larry cane, the great larry cane from philly. up next, the governor of louisiana, bobby jindal, joins us. he's, of course, a rising star in the republican party. he's coming here next. we've got all the big stars on tonight.