belief in the brand, he was so fired up. we thought, okay, there's something going on with this guy. >> to understand the product, you have to understand the man. >> he sells fruit, artificial fruit. >> an artificial flower smans is a dreamer always on the lookout for the next big thing. when he noticed some remarkable life like fruit at a trade show, he an idea. >> right there i told myself, i need to find another way to market this fruit. >> that's when inspiration struck. >> actually on the trip back, i was about 35,000 feet up in an airplane actually drinking a beer looking out the window and all of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. how about a bottle opener inside of a lime. when people think of limes, they think of chron okay. with that you have ultimate association to one brand. >> when i picked him up from baggage claim, he was the a ha moment. he said to me when he got into the car, i figured it out.