said the chamber of commerce had 115 foreign general affiliates in 108 countries that pay a total of less than $100,000 in general membership dues that go into its regular funds. this is its graphic. josten's claim may account for some money, but not from contributions for what the chamber calls a relative handful of non-u.s.-based companies. i'm joined now by the editor of thinkprogress. good evening. >> good evening, keith. and congratulations on your award. >> thank you kindly. rove in a minute, first, explain this chart to me. explain the foreign money coming into the chamber that your group is saying, the rest of the media is ignoring or pretty much glossing over. >> we've established three facts. one is that the chamber is gladly accepting foreign money. we know that at least $300,000 of that foreign money is coming into a general account and that that general account is used to fund $75 million worth of attack ads.