mike lee is going to win in utah. rand paul is ahead out there in kentucky job. raese winning right now in west virginia. marco rubio is winning in florida. christine o'donnell is losing badly right now but that is a pretty good track record among the right wing there. >> a good chance to come to washington, the question, what do they want to do? do they want to get things done, solve the nation's problems or do they want to keep the republican party being a minority party and out of the white house? it is going to be up to mitch mcconnell, john boehner and the 2012 presidential candidates to say to that group and republicans at large, okay, did a good job, put down some markers, how do we grow the party, move them more towards the center without sacrificing our principles? it can be done but takes the leadership that no republican has -- >> here is the question, michael. if the purpose of the republican party, win seven of eight right wingers win, tea partiers, not all right winger, people of the right, these people come in and want to reduce the deficit, that is a popular idea, all they want to do is cut taxes, that is a popular idea. does that hurt the republican