marco rubio opposed obamacare with its $500 billion medicare cuts. charlie crist has flip-flopped. >> work longer, get by on less. that's the marco rubio retirement plan. rubio wants to raise the social security retirement age. that means you will work harder and longer for your money. and rubio wants to cut benefits, it is already tough enough to make ends meet. >> i'm as bad a conservative as you can get. i'm a jeb bush republican. president bush, he is a leader of courage and conviction. i was impressed at governor palin being picked. i watched her speech today. i was very impressed. >> joy, isn't it a little dangerous for crist to call himself a jeb bush republican when jeb bush doesn't like him? >> that is back when he was a potential vice presidential contender with john mccain. i mean, he is really -- it is interesting -- >> jeb might say "excuse me" at some point. >> jeb is attacking him now because crist is attacking rubio on social security. >> let me ask you, how can that republican candidate, i just want to go -- is the republican