and dee dee myers, the chairwoman of the fdic, sheila bear. it was nice to be on the panel yesterday with the women who run the economy. it feels quite something. one of the questions i asked you is how do we move forward and prevent another economic or financial disaster if we don't have systems in place to end "too big to fail" or to end it. you said we do have tools to end it and we're serious about implementing those tools. what are they? >> basically, the procedure has been there for a long time for insurance banks. when an institution starts to fail, it's put in receivership process for large institutions. we have the ability to set up a bridge bag, transfer the good assets and provide temporary funding, liquidity support to keep the franchise operational. so it's worked well for banks. we think it can work well for nonbank financial institutions where the tools were lacking in this crisis. the statute is very clear, the