seat, he was an expert on foreign relations, an expert on pakistan and afghanistan. even if you didn't like joe biden, you didn't always agree with him, he was respectable. you could feel good about being represented by him. and i think delaware voters don't feel that way about her. >> i'm going to move on because we have so much good stuff here. i've got to have you check out this ad that harry reid is playing. she's going after sharron angle in nevada. >> angle wants to wipe out social security. >> we need to phase medicare and social security out. >> she cut benefits for everyone coming into the system. that's sharron angle, first wanting to give massages to prisoners, now she wants to get rid of medicaid and social security. >> i don't know where to go with this, j.c. one, we're talking about i'm not a witch, and in the other we're talking about scientology. where are we with american politics and advertising these days? >> well, chris, in politics,