it's like, i got it. that's exciting. that's great. but to do that, i mean, if you're a kid talking with a friend of yours, do we need the same kinds of books that every kid is learning on the same level? would that help things make it more uniform? >> i think this is a great idea. i'm for a nationalized math textbook. if you're taking algebra in north carolina, california, arizona, we should have the same textbooks. both conservatives and liberals are against the idea. when you take math in arizona. it's not the same. i was looking at a friend of min's math book. it was much better. my friend larry martinez's school. i say they'll better than us eventually, because they have a good math teacher. in california we have math books with a lot of people in color in them. the people of color can't pass the math. even the cartoons are brown i don't care about the pictures.