zuckerberg. he absolutely deserves that respect with the $100 million donation. but they say the schools underperform because they are underfunded. if that's not the case, what do you think the problem is? >> i think the problem is the teachers union, i love what the teachers union president said, she's concerned about of the teachers. not once did she mention the students. she talks in the documentary that they don't mention teachers in the good schools. her job is to take care of teachers. a principal's job, my job is to take care of the students. and that's the problem. we're so concerned about the teachers, we're so concerned about the school board members, the union, we're concerned about everybody but the students. >> ben, can't you do both? can't you take care of both the students and the teachers? >> i think -- in our school, we do both. but we make sure that our teachers understand our priority is to educating the students. and when the students get a great education, we reward the teachers. our teachers are the highest