elected officials are saying, that there's going to be some kind of negative impact. contes contessa, whenever you have a unit or a team that prizes honesty, integrity, that supports all families, not just straight families, but all families, you have an increase in cohesion. you have an increase in community. you have an increase in the strength of an organization. repealing don't ask, don't tell is going to do nothing but strengthen our communities and our families and our country. >> let me ask you, and some of the e-mails i get that do not support the repeal of don't ask, don't tell from former or current military members, this is the argument they make. i want you to address this since you served in the military. they say, what happens when a gay military member hits on a straight military member and then the gay military member gets punched in the face? does that happen? do gay soldiers hit on straight