>> i think of john dandy in "splash." my heart is beating like a rabbit. >> actually follow through with it. don't be grumpy. with us republican congressman jack kingston of georgia. >> also look who is here. >> capehart, jonathan capehart from "the washington post." and the game changer, john heilemann. good to have you guys. we could do some must-reads if you'd like. >> i'd like to talk to our friends first. jack kingston, were you excited that christine mcdonald won delaware. >> mixed blessing. the rage and the passion out there. you and i are friends of mike castle. mika, i do want to say this, there was a time when joe's locker was about three down in mine and he was up every morning 6:00 a.m. you could not beat him to the gym. he was lifting weights and jogging, swimming, doing all this great stuff. >> jack, we already have been talking about telling the truth