directly. >> right. >> i want to move to an interview with john mccain, switch gears a little higher. you pressed him on this issue of the idea that john mccain is running as a different john mccain now. as he's running for reelection in arizona and he pushed back hard. tell us about it. >> i would object to me pressing him. we talked about immigration but he was -- you know, i hand by him a lindsey graham. he is a good friend in the senate saying that john, you know, has to -- he is in a tough primary and has to win the election and instead of, you know, talking about reasons for why he's changed on the positions and he does have reasons that he gives, he said he hadn't changed any of his positions. >> read the quote actually. he said, quote, i have not changed in my positions. i know how popular changed for prest press to have me changing