people using that as a reason to not like the candidates. it's worked well for mcmahon and whitman and one has to wonder if this anti-rich fat cat mentality could affect mcmahon, whit man, fiorina come november. >> pat, how many cats do you have? >> i have three. >> oh, my god! what is wrong with you? >> somebody said it's not so much the cat poop that causes the schizophrenia. i think it's people who have schizophrenia tend to have a lot of cats. >> why are you talking about cats? >> he has three cats! he's a young man! >> why do we have someone on the show talking about cat poop? why is that? >> there is a new study that links something to something. >> we need an invention here. >> we do. dude! dude! >> how can i have a dog when i have to come to this at 6:15 in