september 1st, but at this moment the national association of free clinics is far short of the necessary funds. if you can help, please do. to discuss the ongoing crisis in the gulf region, let's turn to the president and cofounder of the children's health fund and the director of columbia university's national center for disaster preparedness, dr. irwin redlener. thank you for your time tonight, doctor. >> my pleasure, keith. thanks for having me. >> without getting bogged down in direct causality, there will be years' worth of studies to determine that, can we really expect these kind of health problems we're dealing with with these children particularly are going to continue to occur? >> there's no question about it. we're looking at kids that are still suffering from katrina's effects and the disaster's recovery there, still, thousands of children affected. i expect that the oil capping is not going to make a difference to thousands of children down in plaquemines and the other counties near the spill, because we're seeing so much evidence now of a tremendous amount of u! distress and anxiety among the kids as well as their parents. >> is that exacerbated by the concern that the crisis is being