running for two weeks. and then we started hearing about the static kill, where they wanted to try to kill the well from the top again. so that actually started this morning after a lot of discussion about whether that's actually the right thing to do, and it's one that i actually disagree with what they're doing right now. >> what happened with the relief wells that have been portrayed until the last few days, as the ultimate solution. no matter what else you did, if you got those relief wells, you would be sure that this thing would be mastered? >> this is the one thing i just don't understand, keith. these relief wells, one is just standing by in case the first one doesn't work. i understand that. this deepest relief well is only four feet from the intercept point. they have to drill about another 100 feet to intercept. they're right there and they've lost three weeks of operations due to first this well integrity test, then, of course, there was a tropical storm, which nobody could help, but now we're