>> the only reason i gave the okay when i when there, i was able to take the stuff and go home, was that he was in government and he was in bp. he was business-to-business. okay? so, if you're going to give me a fair deal, but understand you've got to take a lot of valuables -- variables in effect. mr. feinberg was supposed to meet wus with us upcoming and listens to us, understand ts variables, understands the various conditions of our industry t state that it's in and incorporates that into the estimates and makes a person a fair offer a lot of people may take it. but we're not to that point yet. >> as you said, this isn't finished. it's just capped. the dispersants are masking how much oil is still in the gulf. how much is the fishing industry -- what is the outlook for you and your members? short term, long term? >> as far as the oysters are concerned, i'm scared to death. that's what i do. i have a lot of oyster farms. but also shrimp. right now the shrimp season is open. they reopened it. why can't we go catch shrimp right now. i don't have a market for it. i can't go out and catch it