veterans. >> he said from the beginning of the campaign, afghanistan was the right war, iraq was the wrong war. >> you think he's the hawk on afghanistan? >> he is. he doesn't mean -- he has said publicly, he doesn't intend to be drawn into some sort of open-ended protracted occupation. but here's the question, i think speaker pelosi was actually on to the right question. nobody thinks we're going to turn out the lights. but do we have a light footprint left? >> are we going to be weaker each week than the week before? weaker each week than the week before -- the taliban is getting weaker and weaker. a little time. let's take a break. we'll be ready to strike in six months when they're really weaker. >> what do you mean by weaker or stronger? >> can i just -- >> you could pursue a countertear vichl strategist wi -- counterterrorism strategy with fewer troops. >> i'm going to give you a chance to make your case. what should we do as opposed to