we have time. gwynn the shape of the economy, is is this the kind of thing the medical industry might are seen coming? people are cutting down on everything from visits to the doctors, prescriptive drugs to things like the elective, say, knee replacement surgeries. >> that's true. a lot of things are being pulled back on and maybe they're pulled back on a temporary basis. you know, there's -- when you go to see the doctor about even knee replace manies, they will often offer you alternatives. they'll say you can go with this or this kind of a rehabilitation route. there's a number of things that go into that. not every patient is the same. on the other hand, i think your point is right, which is is t t that, you know, the real question is whether this is a long-term trend, something that's going to permanently be there, so -- >> so, jim, when the economy gets better, then, does this go up, visits to doctors, buying prescription drugs, is that what you expect to happen? >> i very much expect to see that happen. the underlying reality is that people want health care. there's lots of needs out there. as more and more people get