green card either. which in san diego, we've got our i.k.e. agents and custom agents asking for it all the long. the judge ruled the sanctuary cities were allowed to be outlawed in the state which is a step that a lot of people don't talk about. you're right. we've got to talk about the e verify cracking down on employers. that's the one place we should all be willing to work together. just today on the government oversight, had you almost a unanimous vote that we push for more e verify. we said ta we're not going to allow flags to fly over the united states and capitol unless they're made in the united states by legal workers in the united states by using e verify. >> i'm all about that, buy american stuff no, question about that. here's what i think that this is going to be a real test for the congress. whether there's a midterm coming up or not. either we're going to get