see how i could help. saw he was in a bad way. got him out of the truck and i started my cpr. >> keith, how many years have you been on the same route? >> same route, probably 20 years now, sir. >> and so it was roughly 20 years ago that you were able to talk a suicidal teen down from a bridge? what made you get involved in that, because that was the first time you came across somebody that was in distress. >> yes, sir, i didn't talk him off the jump. did take the jump. hit on the snow bank and fell on a garbage truck who in turn got the ambulance to him and took him away to safety. >> the third one two years ago you pulled a drowning girl from a lake, and as i understand it, then you went back to your mail route. >> yes, i did, sir. it's pretty much done with what i was doing that day. helped her out, and didn't want to put my load back on the other guy so i finished up that day, sir. >> keith, what kind of legend