the money we bring in. somebody to read the reports, break it down into simple terms and tell me what to change. i haven't hired anyone because i feel i can't afford this person, and don't know what qualifications to look for. >> follow the money. it's very important. i mean -- >> if even she hires someone she can't pass it over. >> my first instinct you can't bring in people, bring in the machines and entrepreneurs turned to business dashboards that show them in real-time. i think that's too complex. software has a cost too. i like at this as a hiring and personnel decision. you need to bring in people with specialties but not specialists. you want somebody with an accounting background but when you only have fiver to ten people under your roof, you want to bring in this versatility in your staff. not just accountants but all employees that you bring in. >> what about the idea, at the beginning, hiring someone to help you, so you understand at