a little more than 100 miles, but a world away from the wall street career he left behind to raise black angus cattle and chicken. >> when they eat what nature intended and that's grass only. >> reporter: dan's beef and chicken isn't certified organic because when it comes to meat, organic isn't the whole story. >> you could take cattle and feed them organic grain in a feed lot and be certified organic. that's not what we're about. >> reporter: dan sells his grass fed beef at local green markets where most products are grown organically. >> generally you want to eat food that comes to you as close as possible and picked as fresh as possible. >> reporter: michael pollen is the author of several best-selling books such as "in defense of food." works that have inspired many americans to take a second look at what and how they eat. >> i don't think we can say that organic is always better for you. i think we can say it is always better for the environment.