keep on drilling in the gulf of mexico, as this existing disaster effort continues. are there any resources that aren't being tapped here if there wasn't another accident? some standby team or something we don't know of? >> i have to tell you, rachel, when i was out at the well sight, the horizon well sight earlier this week, and we were sitting in pools of oil for miles. i have to tell you there was not a skimming boat within ten miles of our boat. so i don't think that -- they've got to have everything activated. they don't have enough for this response, much less another response. >> the other thing that concerns me is that we have a problem that is not plateauing. it gets worse every single day. the amount of oil in the water and steaming toward shore and landing on shore every day becomes a larger number based on how much is coming out of the pipe that day. it feels like we need to be able to proportionally increase the containment and cleanup