59. all in all, how long have isner and mahut duke it had out? ten hours and still counting that blows the previous record of six hours and 33 minutes out of the water. a little bit of history on the tennis court, a ten-hour and counting wimbledon match. jolly good show. fellows, can't wait to see the finish. tonight's unbelievable big number. up next results from the brand nufl nbc news/"wall street journal" poll, and the news isn't good for president obama and the democratic party. you're watching "hardball" only on msnbc. a car they can count o. a car that keeps going, when others might quit. a car that stands strong... when you need it most. and expects to handle the unexpected. at chevrolet, we created a team of red x engineers who are obsessed with quality. red x torture tests every car down to the smallest detail. because everyone deserves excellence. ♪