they became nationally known in the 1960s after two high profile magazines told their tragic story. steven freed is an investigative journalist who interviewed them over a period of several months in 1998 for an article in "philadelphia" magazine. that article stirred up emotions and led to the reopening of the 30-year-old cold case. >> i read about this case in a book called "the death of innocence." one of the cases that it mentioned was a case that was referred to as the moore case by the pseudonym that "life" magazine had given to arthur and marie noe when they wrote about their case in 1963. and what the book reported in passing was that there had always been suspicions about the case and the people in the medical examiner's office had felt they might be murders and they were not able to pursue the case. >> marie noe, born marie liddy, grew up in the north philadelphia neighborhood of brewery town, where she had a

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Article ,Journalist ,Magazines ,Story ,Profile ,Steven Freed ,1998 ,Two ,1960 ,Munchausen By Proxy Case ,Cases ,One ,North Philadelphia ,Case ,Book ,Magazine ,The Death Of Innocence ,Led ,Emotions ,Reopening ,Cold Case ,30 ,Marie Noe ,Arthur Noe ,Office ,People ,Medical Examiner ,Suspicions ,Life ,Pseudonym ,Passing ,Moore ,1963 ,Neighborhood ,Murders ,Brewery Town ,Born Marie Liddy ,

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