be key. you're right, ann. we'll check in with you again. appreciate your reporting all week. thank you. >> go celtics. >> yes, it is. had to put it in there. la done. the cavaliers la done. very quickly, bp official on the "today" show this morning acknowledge that had could be the number, that maybe that scientist is right. he didn't dispute the fact it could be that high. >> the president is going to make remarks later this morning and we're told by senior aides to expect the president to express frustration not only with the inability to stop the leak but also the finger pointing we've seen this week among executives. >> moving on, after spending the day in buffalo yesterday, even eating hot wings, president obama dropped by a top dollar fund-raiser in manhattan, $15,000 a person and plenty of red meat. take a listen to this line. >> after i drove the car into the ditch, made it as difficult as possible for us to pull it back, now they want the keys