get even weirder. now the right wing is swooping in to defend george rekers and is stepping up to defend itself. that is all ahead. but first a few holy mackerel stories in today's news. starting with the new applause line in the traveling sarah palin for profit road show. the new applause line is me. weirdly, really weirdly. last night former half term governor palin was in rosemont, illinois, speeches she gives for undisclosed but apparently large amount after money. here's a new piece of red meat she is throwing to her fans. >> i asked him where he was from, he said alaska, and then all of a sudden the clerk, she turns beet red and the veins popped out of her neck, sometimes like rachel maddow. watch, that clip's going to be on air for her dotcom. help her ratings. >> for all the things i thought would change in my life when i got a job for tv, i did not