>> reporter: because people aren't buying them at the higher prices? >> correct. i mean, you could eat other food at cheaper prices than oysters. the die-hards that want their last oyster knowing that it's being affected, they're coming in, and they're paying a little bit. but a lot of the people just -- they don't want to pay the money. >> reporter: you're a volume business. you have to sell a lot of stuff, right? >> correct. >> reporter: you're not able to do that now. >> correct. because seafood's not marked up a lot. so yes, we do have to sell a lot of volume and the problem is getting it. >> reporter: my last question, what do you fear will be the long-term effect for your business and for this industry? >> my fear is we're just seeing a little bit of it. next year when the larvae from the crabs that were happened when this happened -- >> reporter: so they're being killed as well. >> correct. the young ones don't survive for next year's crop, we're in trouble. >> reporter: and the hurricane season's coming. >> hurricane season is coming. that's also a factor. it can push it anywhere, up onto shore. >> reporter: thank you, merlin. as you heard, lots of problems