orders, they slow down that process on purpose in order to prevent a crash or a cascading effect on a given stock or stock price simply by virtue of the fact that there is suddenly a lot of order flow. what art is saying is that the -- as the new york stock exchange market slowed down, on purpose, like a speed bump, that those who sought to sell whatever the stock may be bypassed the new york stock exchange and went to these darker secondary markets and were filling prices at much lower prices than you could have filled it on the new york stock exchange because their desire to fill it was so aggressive they were basically pushing it to a new lower price. what it brings up is the idea of multiple markets, dark markets, why are the dark markets there? do the dark markets serve our customers or do they only serve the banks that use them? >> okay. cnbc's brian shactman joining the conversation as well. brian, you have some information about what the price of the gold