states coast guard. when he found out that i was with the daily beast and the media, i was kindly asked to leave. it was -- actually governor crist got me back into the room, i waited by the elevator and just sort of walked in with his entourage, so they couldn't say much with the governor having his hand on my shoulder. >> is information from meetings like that trickling down? are local officials being briefed? are local resources, volunteers, being set up to be utilized to their fullest capacity as this thing becomes, you know, a shore problem and not just an ocean problem? >> it's really more of a sham. they tell us that they want our input. they have the escambia county here, they've come up with a plan to keep the oil out of pensacola pay and the santa rosa sound and protect the fishing beds. but they submitted the plan on friday and as of 7:00 tonight, we still have yet to hear