do you think one of the ways to create an enforcement system would be you can't work here illegally. you can't come to america to get a job if you're coming here illegally in the future by having a social security card system that can be checked. do you support that kind of enforcement vehicle? >> the enforcement vehicle, yes. because if we are, if we have a path to legalization, if we deal with the undocumented that are here that are law-abiding and working. and that employers, and employees know they have rights and that there's verification to their ability to work in this country, absolutely. the problem is that we've only talked about one end of the spectrum and not dealt with the comprehensive side. >> do you think that if you jammed this issue at the hardliners, the people like the governor and said, look, let's be honest, the people a here are going to stay here. nobody's going to go around this country, rounding up what, 10 million, 12 million people in this country and send them away. they have kids here, roots here.