they're afraid of losing those checks? >> i think it's worse that than actually. we lived through an economic disaster and now we're slowly recovering from it. we lost 20% of our national wealth in 18 months, the last 18 months of the bush administration. and housing topped out 3 1/2 years ago. not just in florida, but around the country. and nobody has been held responsible, not alan greenspan, not anybody else. in japan they have a way different solution to these kinds of problems. it's called harry carey. >> i think what confuses people that the point, congressman, and having been talking about this incessantly for a few years now most people, if you look at the polling, understand, at least enough of this, to know that congress works for the banks, not for the american people, and yet congress still seems a phenomenally willing to drag its feet in addressing this. harry carey may be interesting or nice, we're probably not going to see it. we live in a democracy where we're told we elect people who look out for our interests and yet the same people are creating