repeal, so this word is just public relations so far. i think it's a battle cry. i don't think it's practical. >> chris matthews, good to see you this morning. thanks. >> good to see you on a saturday morning, contessa. david gregory will have the new political limits. up next, it fell off the back of the truck. i swear. stacks of money vanished after an armored car lost money in the middle of the road. now we have a hot new case of the missing, cold, hard cash. we'll be right back. [ indistinct talking on p.a. ] okay, we're going to get going right away. [ announcer ] he's never met an appendix he couldn't fix! the abdomen-ator dr. bob bergowitz! yeah, woo! [ announcer ] she's the queen of clean! the 2009 surgeon of the year, dr. nancy mendelsohn! [ male announcer ] doctors and nurses are true heroes.