where is the money going to come from and are you absolutely sure that your citizens at a time of this deep economic crisis are going to be okay with your state spending hundreds of thousands of dollars when you could be spending that money on other things? >> well, we do our jobs. we have attorneys in our offices that do this. this is going to be an extra expense, when you have 12 states and we expect more, we will share the cost. it will not be a major financial issue for the states at all. >> mark, attorney general of utah, good of you to join us. thank you for coming on. >> my pleasure, david. thank you. a shocking new allegation against michael jackson's doctor. did the doctor really stop performing cpr so he could hide drug vials. the scoop from courtney hazlett. the perfect baby. alas, it cries but you'll never have to change a diaper. stick around for shu-tubes. host: could switching to geico really save you