steve mcmann is a democrat and jim was on this weekend on "meet the press" and he said don't have the votes yet, but we will get them. how does it look? >> that's absolutely where it is. howard was talking about the stu pack 12. >> the people that are pro life. >> there 12 of them and will they vote against it if the abortion language is not fixed which it will not be. i think there six or and think nancy pelosi will get the votes. >> what do you make of the issue and someone pointed out that the debate over abortion rights like often times the big debates errored condition the democratic party. they have the loudest fights. >> i'm on the record on this show saying the bill will pass, but i think this could sink the bill. it's not just the abortion issue. there the national republican congressional committee is targeting 50 to 60 democrats in swing districts who either voted no in november when the bill