washington, to include family members of elected officials, let answer get to something that happened with the daughter of senator james inhoff, stranded in d.c., took her family to the capital and built an igloo with a sign reading "al gore's new home." what's behind that? what are the sentiments there? >> the sentiments are clearly this is a time when global warming skeptics are taking advantage of this to push the questions and make people wonder how real is this but in all honesty if you look at climate models it's not terribly surprising you see occasionally major snowstorms like this. air can hold more moisture and some of the past records show more occasional major precipitation events in the winter here in the northeast. when it does snow it's going to be super charged in the same way with hurricanes you think actually you'll get stronger hurricanes with climate change, you may end up with stronger snowstorms in the northeast, other parts of the u.s. at least until it gets so warm that of course it's not snowing as it's raining.