much of it are we able to see and how much of it are we not? >> it seems to me essentially the votes go to the highest bidder. and whether you're on the left or on the right, think that's part of the disgust people have right now, is that it's all about who can buy the most votes. to the extent that there was absolute transparency on who was behind dollars and ads, i think that would be beneficial. i don't see why people can't know who's paying for the ad and why instead of hiding behind some fake corporate name. >> the name you hide behind is americans for america, just so you know. or americans for america for freedom for americans. and then you can -- >> of course. >> that's a universal website. is transparency the solution to this problem? >> look, you're never going to get rid of all the money. go the other direction. transparency. if i see a congressman up there saying, we've got to bail out detroit and the auto industry, i