the one hand and i raised that with somebody behind the scenes, and they were, hey, lighten up is what i was told and saying, hey, she spent an entire two days attacking the president and we never pushed back, so -- >> she is not president of the united states. and they are not on the campaign trail for god sakes. >> i was surprised by the stunt myself. >> you are talking about this visceral culture, not knocking robert not being a part of it, but it seems to me this podium over the past year has become -- for a white house that said they were going to rise above all of this, they have been obsessed with fox news, with mad money jim cramer, they went after jim kraimer, after glenn beck and now making jokes about sarah palin. >> well, number one, as we talked about that kind of media now being so part of and so much a driver of the discussion, they have to deal with it, that