of financial institution, when it faces failure, that it is liquidated and liquidated in a way in which the taxpayer is not going to have to come up again and prop up or bail out a financial institution. >> all right. we will leave it there. before i let you go, here's the picture of you back in the playing days of dartmouth here. we've got a couple of football fans because i know dr. greenspan you are as well. super bowl picks. secretary paulson, you first. >> well, i'm going to go with indiana and peyton manning. >> it's very difficult to go against peyton manning. >> my view as well. we'll make that the last word. thank you both very much. i should mention we'll continue our discussion with secretary paulson and ask him some questions the viewers have submitted via e-mail and twitter. you can also read an excerpt from his book "on the brink." also look for updates from me

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Way ,Institution ,Taxpayer ,Failure ,Dr ,Couple ,Picture ,Football Fans ,Dartmouth ,View ,Henry Paulson ,Super Bowl ,Discussion ,Indiana ,Word ,Peyton Manning ,Book ,On The Brink ,Excerpt ,Viewers ,E Mail ,Updates ,Twitter ,

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