only 42% of gop'ers think the president was actually born in the united states. 31% believe he hates white people. now, if you believe that poll, you also believe nancy pelosi once dated dick cheney. the poll is a fraud as is the website. >> joining me now, an insane fraud, the lead story on last night's bill o'reilly auto biographical history of the world hour, the founder of daily kos. welcome. >> thank you very much, keith. >> i don't think you've ever been the lead story on this show. broad picture. why aren't o'reilly and rove thrilled with your poll? >> they should be thrilled. i mean, this poll proves that their ability to convince tens of millions of republicans the craziest, most insane, ridiculous things is really second to none. but i think that they like to keep that crazy insider house in their family because they want to portray to the outside world that they're reasonable, moderates who may have a policy disagreement or two with the